My mother's physiotherapy clinic in Hanmer Springs was in dire need of a new brand. All that existed was a simple painted sign saying PHYSIOTHERAPIST outside. I took up the challenge over the first half of this year to create her a new logo, and a new street sign. And she needed a new business card. Below was her previous business card (eww)

Below are the new designs for 2 new business cards. The first encorporates the new logo I designed for her. It's simple, clean and fresh - just the way I like it. The colours are bright yet still fit in with the natural surroundings of Hanmer Springs. The logo includes a mountain that refers to the iconic conical hill in Hanmer, and also the Physiotherapy hands.

The second design is a revamp of her previous cards - kept it extremely simple due to the large amount of text needed, and kept with the same colour scheme of the first card.

I decided to get the cards printed through Printstop. They were having 50% off appointment cards during May - Perfect timing. Proofing was a very easy process and they were extremely helpful. Can not wait to see the final product - They should be being couriered to Hanmer Springs at present.