Friday, June 11, 2010


Today I'm also working on getting some of my woodblock prints exhibited around Otago. You can view my printmaking here (as well as my illustration & design work). I've mostly been exhibiting in north canterbury at Majuba Gallery and Wai Ariki Nature Park in Hanmer Springs as well as The Rocking Frog in Waikari. I also exhibited work in Art in a Garden at Flaxmere last year and hope to do so again this year.

So far I've locked in to show some work at Lot Design in Wanaka - a beautiful new design store. I will also be exhibiting at the Art in Law IV Exhibition coming up at the Law Faculty at Otago University between July and November, and will also be involved at the Art in a Garden at Glenfalloch on the 17th October. Im a bit disappointed I can't exhibit at the OUSA Art Week Student Exhibition because I'm no longer a student :( (Last year I sold heaps and carved up some sweet prizes) Either way it will be cool to go and have a look.

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